Call for Participation
The workshop will feature a series of keynote presentations by leading data scientists covering visualization in data science. In addition, there will be presentations by speakers selected from submitted abstracts.
Abstracts / Talks
Abstract submissions should be one page and describe the role, application, and impact of visualization in data science. We would like to particularly encourage abstracts that cross disciplinary boundaries and show how visualization in data science can be a catalyst for discovery.
There are three possibilities to contribute to the program at VDS 2016:
- New Research: Participants are invited to submit an abstract describing interesting work in progress research.
- Highlights: Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract describing their recently published work related to visualization in data science.
- Position Statements: We encourage submissions discussing, e.g., the role of data science in general, the relationship of visualization and data science, considerations regarding data science education, etc.
The authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to give a talk at VDS ranging in length from 5-20 minutes, depending on the scope of the work and the relevance to the workshop. While abstracts can have multiple authors, we assume that only one author will speak (contact us post-acceptance if multiple authors of one submission want to speak). Speakers, their biography, and the abstract will be published on the symposium website.
Review Process
Each submission will be read and evaluated by the chairs for quality and relevance to VDS with the goal of being as inclusive as possible and encouraging cross-domain interactions. Brief feedback will be provided as needed to support acceptance decisions, but authors should not expect detailed reviews. Authors will be required to prepare a revision if the chairs note so in their feedback statements.
Submission and Formatting Guidelines
Formatting is informal, we encourage creativity. Please limit your abstract to one page. For the abstract, only PDF files are acceptable. Please ensure to include in the document:
- a concise description of the talk content,
- a picture showing an application of visualization in data science (not necessary for position statements),
- for previously published work: a reference to the original paper.
For inclusion on the website and for evaluation, please also submit:
- a summary of your abstract (less than 150 words),
- a short biography of the speaker(s) (less than 150 words),
- a picture of the speaker (150 pixels wide, up to 250 pixels high)
- for previously published work: the original paper.
To submit a paper please use the Precision Conference System. After logging in go to “new submissions” and select “Submit to Abstracts” for VDS 2016.
Important Dates
August 5, 2016, 5:00pm PDT: Abstract Submission
August 26, 2016: Speaker Notification